
错误名称 说明
tecCLAIM Fee claimed. Sequence used. No action.
tecDIR_FULL Can not add entry to full dirctory.
tecFAILED_PROCESSING Failed to correctly process transaction.
tecINSUF_RESERVE_LINE Insufficient reserve to add trust line
tecINSUF_RESERVE_OFFER Insufficient reserve to create offer
tecNO_DST Destination does not exist. Send SWT to create it
tecNO_DST_INSUF_SWT Destination does not exist. Too little SWT sent to create it.
tecNO_LINE_INSUF_RESERVER No such line. Too little reserver to create it.
tecNO_LINE_REDUNDANT Can’t set non-existent line to default.
tecPATH_PARTIAL Path could not send full amount.
tecMASTER_DISABLED Master key is disabled.
tecNO_REGULAR_KEY Regular key is not set.
tecUNFUNDED One of _ADD, _OFFER, or _SEND. Deprecated.
tecUNFUNDED_ADD Insufficient SWT balance for WalletAdd.
tecUNFUNDED_OFFER Insufficient balance to fund created offer.
tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT Insufficient SWT balance to send.
tecOWNERS Non-zero owner count.
tecNO_ISSUER Issuer account does not exist.
tecNO_AUTH Not authorized to hold asset.
tecNO_LINE No such line.
tecNSUFF_FEE Insufficient balance to pay fee.
tecFROZEN Asset is frozen.
tecNO_TARGET Target account does not exist.
tecNO_PERMISSION No permission to perform requested operation.
tecNO_ENTRY No matching entry found.
tecINSUFFICIENT_RESERVE Insufficient reserver to complete requested operation.
tecNEED_MASTER_KEY The operation requires the use of the Master Key.
tecDST_TAG_NEEDED A destination tag is required.
tecINTERNAL An internal error has occurred during peocessing.
tefALREADY The exact transaction was already in this ledger.
tefBAD_ADD_AUTH Not authorized to add account.
tefBAD_AUTH Transaction’s public key is not authorized.
tefBAD_LEDGER Ledger in uexpected state.
tefCREATED Can’t add an already created account.
tefEXCEPTION Unexpected program state.
tefFAILURE Failed to apply.
tefINTERNAL Internal error.
tefMASTER_DISABLED Master key is disabled.
tefMAX_LEDGER Ledger sequence too high.
tefNO_AUTH_REQUIRED Auth is not required.
tefPAST_SEQ This sequence number has already past.
tefWRONG_PRIOR This previous transaction does not math.
telLOCAL_ERROR Local failure.
telBAD_DOMAIN Dmomain too long.
telBAD_PATH_COUNT Malformed: Too many paths.
telBAD_PUBLIC_KEY Public key too long.
telFALLED_PROCESSING Failed to correctly process transaction.
telINSUF_FEE_P Fee insufficient.
telNO_DST_PARTIAL Partial payment to create account not allowed.
telBLKLIST Tx disable for blacklist.
telNSUF_FUND Fund insufficient.
temMALFORMED Malformed transaction.
temBAD_AMOUNT Can only send positive amounts.
temBAD_AUTH_MASTER Auth for unclaimed account needs correct master key.
temBAD_CURRENCY Malformed: Bad currency.
temBAD_EXPIRATION Malformed: Bad expiration.
temBAD_FEE Invalid fee, negative or not SWT.
temBAD_ISSUER Malformed: Bad issuer
temBAD_LIMIT Limits must be non-negative.
temBAD_QUORUM Quorums must be non-negative.
temBAD_WEIGHT Weights must be non-negative.
temBAD_OFFER Malformed: Bad offer.
temBAD_PATH Malformed: Bad path.
temBAD_PATH_LOOP Malformed: Loop in path.
temBAD_SEND_SWT_LIMIT Malformed: Limit qualty is not allowed for SWT to SWT.
temBAD_SEND_SWT_MAX Malformed: Send max is not allowed for SWT to SWT.
temBAD_SEND_SWT_NO_DIRECT Malformed: No Skywell direct is not allowed for SWT to SWT.
temBAD_SEND_SWT_PARTIAL Malformed: Partial payment is not allowed for SWT to SWT.
temBAD_SEND_SWT_PATHS Malformed: Paths are not allowed for SWT to SWT.
temBAD_SEQUENCE Malformed: Sequence is not in the past.
temBAD_SIGNATURE Malformed: Bad signature.
temBAD_SRC_ACOUNT Malformed: Bad source account.
temBAD_TRANSFER_RATE Malformed: Transfer rate must be >= 1.0.
temDST_IS_SRC Destination may not be source.
temDST_NEEDED Destination not specified.
temINVALID The transaction is ill-formed.
temINVALID_FLAG The transaction has an invalid flag.
temREDUNDANT Sends same currency to self.
temREDUNDANTSIGN Add self as additional sign.
temSKYWELL_EMPTY PathSet with no paths.
temUNCERTAIN In process of determining result. Never returned.
temUNKNOWN The transaction requires logic that is not implemented yet.
temDISABLED The transacton requires logic that is currently disabled.
temMULTIINIT contract code has multi init function.
terRETRY Retry transaction.
terFUNDS_SPENT Can’t set password, password set funds already spent.
terINSUF_FEE_B Account balance can’t pay fee.
terLAST Process last.
terNO_SKYWELL Path does not permit rippling.
terNO_ACCOUNT The source account does not exist.
terNO_AUTH Not authorized to hold IOUs.
terNO_LINE No such line.
terPRE_SEQ Missing/inapplicable prior transaction.
terOWNERS Non-zero owner count.
tesSUCCESS The transaction was applied. Only final in a validated ledger.